Join Us Tomorrow for an AT Forums AMA with AMD's James Prior
by Ryan Smith on May 8, 2018 6:00 PM EST
On Wednesday, May 9th through Thursday, May 10th AnandTech's community team will be hosting an ask-me-anything session with James Prior, Senior Manager for AMD's Client Enthusiast Team, on the AnandTech CPU and Overclocking Forums. Have a question about Ryzen? Now’s your chance to speak with AMD directly. Log into the forums to join the discussion and learn about the latest news on the future of AMD and the Ryzen Desktop platform.
This thread will be unlocked, open and live for 24 hours starting at 12:00pm (noon) ET on Wednesday, May 9th. Questions will be moderated and supervised by AnandTech Assistant Community Manager, Joshua Simenhoff, as well as a full team of moderators.
Ask Me Anything Rules
- No tech support questions, as these require in-depth personal follow-up and diagnostics.
- All Rules of Conduct apply.
- Keep questions direct and to the point.
- Avoid opinion bias, as in, "Why are all your products awesome/horrible?"
- Be respectful of our guests--no insults, no leading questions.
- Do not post duplicate questions or repost your question multiple times.
- Not all questions may be answered. Questions may not be answered in the order in which they are received or posted.
Only registered users will be able to ask questions, so if you haven’t yet, be sure to register now for your chance to participate!
The official representatives will reply periodically, using a recognized and verified account.
Please join us on this date to throw your questions into the mix and ask AMD what you've always wanted to ask!
Source: AnandTech Forums
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