Feature Comparison

Thermal Pad Thermal Grease Covered Heatsink Simple Clip 3-pin Pwr Connector 5-pin Pwr Connector
AAVID Unit Yes No No No Yes No
AOC Unit Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Cool-it Dude! FAP223B No Yes No No No* Yes**
Global Win FHK-20 Yes No No No Yes No
Vantec PII 5025-H (Ball) Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
* New Version DOES  have this Feature
** New Version DOES NOT  have this Feature
Pentium II CPU Temperature Comparison
Lower Temperatures Indicate Better Performance
Test System was a Pentium II - 233 (Ambient Case Temp - 75 degrees F.)

Review Courtesy of Anand Tech Network Affiliate - ThermalNet

Vantec PII 5025-H (Ball)
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