Meedio Essentials - Audio Ripping and Streaming Radio (cont.)

The audio grabber tool helps you grab the album covers of audio tracks that are in the library. However, for some reason, when we click on all albums, these were the only tracks that appeared. We aren't really sure why, but these were the only two tracks to already have album art either embedded or linked in their tags. The rest of the audio tracks from My Music weren't visible.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Once edited, they will be entered in as a separate entry from the original My Music entry in the create CD function of Gotcha covered.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Creating a CD is easy enough. Though, for some reason, the new version of Gotcha Covered doesn't have the back button in the right place. Iinstead, it is replaced by "close". We had to use backspace to navigate to and from the tracks by artist to the list of artists. Additionally, selection of the audio track just tallies the number up in the status text on the top of the screen, but there is no round icon that indicates that a track has been selected. When the list of tracks by a single artist is long, this type of indication becomes extremely necessary.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

The only real trouble that we had was actually getting to burn a CD. For whatever reason, the plug-in hung at the "preparing audio tracks" stage.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Meedio Essentials – Audio Ripping and Streaming Radio Meedio Essentials – Audio Ripping and Streaming Radio (cont.)
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