Enter the MacBook

For each of the categories we've listed (well, outside of inexpensive netbook perhaps), there's an Apple alternative, and generally speaking those Apple alternatives are solid. Brian and Anand both use MacBook Pro 15s while they're in the field (and you'd be amazed how often we go in the field, so to speak), and having watched them I can see why.

If you're looking for an ultraportable, the new MacBook Airs are odd chimeras. There's a general distaste around here for Apple opting to continue to use ancient Core 2 processors instead of Arrandale-based chips, but the flipside is that the GeForce 320M integrated graphics are remarkably powerful for these tiny notebooks. If you want something iPad sized but with a physical keyboard, the 11-inch Macbook Air may be what you're looking for. 

Really, the big winner in the Apple stable seems to be the MacBook Pro 15. As I said, both Brian and Anand use them, and it's understandable. The Pro 15 has a lot of performance under the hood and brings with it one of the best notebook screens you can find at a time when good displays are at a premium. It's not really a matter of preferring Apple at this juncture; the Pro 15 simply has one of the best blends of form factor, performance, and usability on the market today. 

The only reason you'd want to potentially hold off is Sandy Bridge. Apple is expected to update its MacBook Pro lineup sometime next quarter and Sandy Bridge should make a very potent mobile chip.

As for the rest of the lineup, maybe the less said the better. The vanilla MacBook just isn't worth the money anymore with the MacBook Pro 13 available, although the MacBook Pro 17 can make a convincing case for itself if you need a notebook that's that much bigger.

Overall it's going to be a matter of whether or not you're willing to pay the Apple tax (and it can be a steep one) and if you want to make the jump to using Mac OS X. These are certainly capable notebooks as Windows 7 machines, but that's not necessarily what they were intended for. Also keep in mind that connectivity on Apple notebooks is fairly poor compared to their PC brethren: you're going to have to live with just two USB 2.0 ports, no eSATA, and a single Mini-DisplayPort. Bumping up to a MacBook Pro 17 will finally get you an ExpressCard slot and a third USB 2.0 port.

Apple has a tendency to cling to legacy hardware a little longer than maybe they should, but on the flipside, Apple kit also tends to keep a high resale value. The choice is yours.

Workstation: Dell Precision M6500 Conclusion: Good to Go Mobile
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  • JarredWalton - Monday, November 15, 2010 - link

    Fixed, thanks.
  • StrangerGuy - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    For those who are lucky enough to purchase one, 3820TG with 5650m is the undisputed king of ultraportables...Zero contest when talking about the ~$800 price range.
  • satyr451 - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    100% agree! I looked around at a pile of laptops and that system (Acer TimelineX 3820TG) is nothing short of amazing for the price. I just got it a few days ago and I'm all around impressed with it. It looks nice, has great battery life, feels solid and the specs on it are great. Also, I don't mind the keyboard at all.
  • mschira - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    There is one model missing from the list: the Sony Vaio z-series.

    The light gaming powerhouse!
    Having a GT 330 and up to i7 CPUs, a high definition screen in a 1.4 kilo 13" package is simply amazing.
    And it not more expensive than similarly speced MacBook Pro 15".

    If you recommend the apples, you have to consider the Sony, too.
    Worse I hear Anand complaining that all the notebooks are alike that there is no model standing out.
    How does the z-series not stand out?
  • Evil_Sheep - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    Anandtech didn't overlook the Z, but they noticed it stood out mostly in the wrong way: price. At $1700-2000 it even makes Apples look like a bargain.

    It's a nice machine but an overpriced niche product. If Sony dropped some of the bleeding-edge specs and released it at $1000-1200 they might not just be a bit-player in the notebook market.
  • mschira - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    But claiming that the Sony Z-series is overpriced it simply wrong.
    Yes they start at a whooping 1800, but then they come with a 128Gb SSD and with fast i5-460, 4 Gb of ram.

    Try it yourself, for 1800 you get a Macbook pro 13 with an SSD but a slower CPU.

    Yes the Z-series is expesive, but that's because the ONLY come with SSD.
    And a fast one!

    Now I hear Anand tell us all the time we WANT SSDs in our laptops.
  • mschira - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    P.S. and whe you max them out the Sony Z series is 2800, but that's with a 8GB ram 256 SSD, i7-640 an Nvidia GT335 and a highdef screen.
    The mac 15' clocks in at a whooping 3500$ if you try to match this.
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    Comparing with the MacBook isn't doing your argument any favors, as we've already established that they're fleecing the customer. Two 64GB SSDs will run about $220 at Newegg (and they'd actually be higher performance models than what Sony uses in all likelihood). Plus putting SSDs in RAID0 is stupid unless you're using models with excellent resiliency and garbage collection; I think Sony is using Samsung SSDs, which have neither feature.

    So start at a basic 13.3" laptop size. Acer gives you that in the 3820T for around $700. Now upgrade the keyboard to something decent with backlighting; that will cost around $50 tops. Put in Optimus 330M for around $100. Make a slick carbon fiber chassis for $100. Upgrade to dual SSDs for $150 (subtracting the standard HDD cost). Fingerprint reader and Bluetooth for $75. Upgrade the CPU to the i5-460M for $100. Toss in a good 900p LCD for $200 (being generous here). Add all of that up and we're looking at a base cost of around $1475, and I figure the above prices already account for the R&D department. So, your "Sony VAIO Z tax" looks to be around 22% -- just like Apple's MacBook tax I guess.

    Is it an awesome laptop? By most accounts yes, though now I'd like to see the 420M in there instead of the 330M. But like the MacBook, you need to understand that you're paying significantly more for the "Sony experience". And honestly, dual HDD bays in a 13.1" chassis seems more like a case of proving you CAN do something as opposed to doing something people are clamoring for. I'd rather have a single 128GB SSD with good TRIM support than RAID0 64GB SSDs--or a single 256GB SSD with TRIM instead of RAID0 128GB SSDs. Or a bigger battery, or better cooling, or whatever. Again, not that the VAIO Z is bad, but it's almost an exercise in excess.
  • mschira - Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - link

    Well if only there was 13" laptop with a Gt330. Or any other decent GPU for that matter. Of course I would not say no to an even better GPU (is the 420 better that the 330?).

    Or any real light 13" with a fast CPU for that matter - heck ANY notebook under 2k with a decent GPU - (maybe the alienware, but 11" is too small).

    Nobody said the Sony Zs are cheap, but not more so than MacBook, and everybody seems to thinks it's kinda O.K. for them.
    (Evil_Sheep even suggested the Sony prices make Mac look like a bargin - not so. Mac's are in fact more expensive, while weighting more).

    Not sure what sort of SSD Sony is using, but I don't think they have really hard drive Bays in a 13" casing. They offer up to 4 SSDs in RAID and they sure don't have 4 bays.
    In fact I would prefer a standard drive bay myself, so I can get a decent Sandforce SSD in case the factory build in models fail.
  • narayanagame - Thursday, November 18, 2010 - link

    what non sense are you talking...
    there is no competition for vaio z for its specs at that price..
    i understand sony premium but vaio z is completely reasonable and i am being modest here.
    whatever laptop u consider wont match vaio z with its specs for 3lb weight..

    vaio z is marvelous.
    look, u think 1800$ is premium price and in my country vaio z starts at 2200$ and i still feel its good enough.
    in real there is no laptop that has as good specs as vaio z at its weight for that price.compare it with whatever you like nothing ll match atleast till CES 2011
    now dont compare with macbook's,they are underpowered with shiny looking casing.
    the main thing that goes for apple is good screen and battery life and aesthetics and for these they charge easily 40% extra.

    if you think properly battery ability ll wear off within 1 and half yr and you wont be able to replace yourself.

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