Conclusion: Good to Go Mobile

At the end of the day, the buyer's guide isn't just about the best, it's about the best for the money you can get, and that's what we've tried to wrangle here. This holiday season offers some interesting choices, but a lot of old incumbents are still sticking around. We get the sense that the industry is waiting for Sandy Bridge to drop before hitting us with the major refreshes, although Dell's revitalized XPS series is certainly a welcome entrant and worth keeping an eye on. As for the rest, updates seem incremental at best and many of our old recommendations still stand.

The notebooks we have on tap here are all excellent machines, a few are even Editor's Choice winners, but while Jarred and I were scouring the market for our best picks we couldn't help notice that things felt a little thin. Next year should be much more exciting: AMD's Brazos platform looks to be a homerun for netbooks and ultraportables (or at least a base-clearing double) while Intel's Sandy Bridge continues to bring more and more performance to the mainstream along with the most compelling integrated graphics part Intel has ever produced. Later on in the year we'll see AMD's Llano too, which will hopefully bring with it stronger competition in the mobile space from AMD.

In the meantime, the performance demands of most applications (outside of gaming and content creation) have basically plateaued, so while laptops are never going to be as fast as similarly priced desktops, most of the time it just doesn't matter. Perhaps the biggest issue with using a laptop 100% of the time is the screen size/resolution and keyboard, which is why we harp on build quality and displays so frequently. At least Dell seems to be hearing our call for better screens, and ASUS continues to knock out solid options with discrete graphics. This holiday season isn't exceptional, but it's solid and if you're in the market, you could do a heck of a lot worse.

But What About a Mac?
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  • Cuhulainn - Monday, November 15, 2010 - link

    Though I agree with your subject, I'd disagree with the rest. If what you say were true, you'd see high quality LCD options on every laptop, and no glossy plastic enclosures. Manufacturers will continue to make what they believe meets the needs of the market, regardless of what review sites say. Sure, they have some influence, but it's not as though their hands are tied because of these review sites.

    I like to have the option, especially with Optimus and the like negating power concerns. If volume and weight are concerns, there are still plenty of options without discrete GPUs.

  • beginner99 - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link


    And most casual gamers play on console anyway and not pc.

    I would easly pic a i3 IGP + mate 16:10 screen over a discrete one with useless a glossy 16:9 screen.
    But for that you need to pay the 500$ "business fee", meaning less power for a 150% price tag.
  • BrooksT - Monday, November 15, 2010 - link

    Could you guys *be* less professional?

    How about "if you're willing to pay a premium for design and build quality, and accept somewhat lower performance", etc.

    Calling it an "Apple tax" is as silly as talking about the "Intel tax" if you opt for a super-premium CPU. Governments impose taxes; companies offer competing value propositions.

    And then you get the whole implication that you don't get anything for a tax, which takes us into the political realm.

    Please, guys, grow up a bit and take Anandtech in the direction of actual journalism. It's a premium, a tradeoff, a sign of different priorities, a trap for the unwary even, but it is most certainly not a "tax" by any remotely sane definition of the word.
  • max347 - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    This comment is ridiculous.

    Obviously someone is getting too old for technology. "actual journalism" is found in newspapers....which my 50 year old dad doesn't even read anymore.

    "Apple tax" is a common, well-known piece of jargon. Perfectly acceptable considering the audience and medium.

    If you want PC language with oldtyme verbiage and stiffly written articles, read a newspaper. I think the way these articles are presented is just fine.

    Aslo though, you could start up your own tech review site, and see how that turns out. I am betting if you take the "actual journalism" route you outline, you will have every stickler and wise guy tearing apart every little mistake in an article. Presented the way they are here, readers can more comfortably approach the writers, and have more of a discussion-style look at the product in question. This is why companies send them things to review- they get feedback. With a stringent fact-article approach, I don't think you would see this level of interaction.
  • JonBird - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    I totally agree. It was an uncharacteristically low brow comment from a site that I think of as being in the top tier of tech journalism. Aanand must not have edited this article because he would never discredit his site by using this type of non-descriptive fanboy meme.
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    I'll just say this: I specifically asked Anand to look over the MacBook page and make any comments/edits he saw necessary. What you didn't offend him, and he uses a MacBook Pro 15 all the time. Even he will admit that you pay a significant price premium for what amounts to build quality and aesthetics, and that is the "Apple tax" so often referred to. It's such a well-known term that you can even Google definitions, and get stuff like this:,2542,t=Ap...
  • Osamede - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    Whatever you want to cal it - "Apple tax" is really a polite way of putting it. If someone wanted to be more provocative they could even call it an "Apple cult fee". And Even the marketing term for this: "brand premium" is itself a euphemism for commanding a price over and beyond the intrinsic value of the product when separated from the brand loyalty.

    A good example of this is the new Macbook Air products. Basically you have in the 11" version what is little more than an Acer 1810 encased in a shiny aluminum package with a few ounces shaven off and the price doubled. The main real value in there is the better screen and that alone cannont explain Apple's blatant price gouging on 2-3 year old CULV products.

    So I would say, let them call it what they will. Apple is definitely charging more than what the products are intrinsically worth.
  • Spazweasel - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    "Intrinsic worth" is subjective.

    If you add up the cost of components, you don't get to call that "intrinsic worth", because assembly isn't free. Neither is design and engineering. Many people assign no value to this, and that's just plain wrong. Apple spends more on engineering and design than most other companies, and you pay your share of it. Apple's not the "R&D and manufacturing welfare company", nor is Dell or HP or Lenovo or Asus or any other laptop maker.

    You also get OS/X with your MacBook, and that's not free either (and please, no BS about "it's FreeBSD/Mach", that's a tiny part of the operating system as a whole). If you choose to throw away the OS and run something else on it, fine, but you're going to pay your amortized part of OS/X's development anyway.

    Look, if you don't value where the "extra" money is going, fine, DON'T BUY IT. You're saying "if I, and only I, don't value it, it has no value to anyone and should therefore be free".
  • Dustin Sklavos - Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - link

    Respectfully, Apple's reported profit margins border on the offensive.

    You would LIKE to justify the increased cost based on all the things you listed, but judging by Apple's current liquidity I'm gonna go ahead and say these things have already been paid for. The rest is just gouging the consumer.
  • misaki - Monday, November 15, 2010 - link

    I believe you guys have the model number wrong for the 2nd asus netbook, 1015pn-mu17 doesn't exist. Your link goes to 1015ped-mu17 which has the n455.

    1015pem is the n550 counterpart with integrated intel gpu that has 2 versions. MU17 is cheaper by leaving out bluetooth 3.0 and has a smaller battery than PU17.

    (I happened to be looking at netbooks recently)

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