Monitor care

Surprisingly, one of the most frequent questions we noticed in our forums was simply, “How do I care for my monitor?” LCDs are still expensive pieces of equipment, so they require a little bit of tender loving care.

The most important matter is keeping the LCD screen clean. For those of you fortunate enough to have LCDs with glass bezels (like the AG Neovo S-18), use only warm water and a lint free cloth. Any other alcohol or ammonia based cleaner will strip the anti-glare coating off and ruin your bezel surface.

For ordinary LCD panels that do not have an additional glass bezel, distilled water is still one of the best cleaners. However, great care needs to be taken to ensure that the right amount of pressure is applied to the screen when cleaning. Too much pressure will crack the substrate. This editor recommends using a little bit of vinegar mixed with water on a lint free cloth to clean the monitor surface.

Using a paper towel will leave small abrasions in the anti-glare coating and bezel. Always apply the cleaning solution to the cloth first. Finally, wipe the cloth from corner to corner, and then side to side, starting from the top to bottom. This will leave the most even surface.
Basic LCD exploration Monitor care (continued)
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Aaaahhhhh! Dr. Strangelove I presume.
  • dvinnen - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    what's up with all the posts...

    it's really freakin me out...

    I'm used to the twice a month ones...

    Well, the bright side is this is suppose to be a boring strtch to Athlon 64 and Prescott release, wonder how many we'll get then.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Yup. I gave up on waiting for a quality LCD for gaming. Bought a NEC FP912 to last me the next couple of years.

    Maybe LCDs + gaming will be an uncompromised reality then.

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