
Most manufacturers consider the 80Plus Titanium certification to be a badge for their pinnacle models only and thus they are offering just one or a few very high output and severely expensive models. SilverStone clearly did not take this approach. Their Strider Titanium series consists of three PSUs with a maximum output between 600W and 800W, a reasonable power level for the bulk of gamers and PC enthusiasts. Their pricing is reasonable as well, starting at $140 for the 600W model and reaching up to $170 for the 800W model at the time of this review, an average of $30 higher than corresponding 80Plus Platinum certified units. The new Strider Titanium series appear a fine mix between top grade specifications and value. However, the ST60F-TI has left us with mixed feelings.

Although the conversion efficiency of the Strider Titanium ST60F-TI 600W is exceptional, it does not really meet the 80Plus Titanium requirements with a 230VAC input. The directive dictates that, among other things, a PSU needs to reach 96% efficiency at 50% capacity in order to earn an 80Plus Titanium certification under 230VAC input. This may not be impossible but it is far too costly at this point of time and cannot be achieved by platforms such as this, which was originally designed for lower efficiency levels. As such, most OEMs and manufacturers take their certification under a 115VAC input, which is significantly less demanding. Ultimately, the ST60F-TI is more efficient than equivalent 80Plus Platinum certified units even though it cannot reach the directive’s efficiency requirements with an 230VAC input.

What took the hit for reaching this high efficiency on a platform that was not really originally designed for it however is the power quality. The ST60F-TI offers very good voltage regulation but the filtering is inexcusable for a PSU of this class. This could be easily resolved with the use of capacitors, yet such extra components induce extra losses and lower the overall efficiency of the device. It is likely that Enhance used the absolute minimum possible in order to pass the 80Plus Titanium certification testing.

On the other hand, the ST60F-TI is a compact, aesthetically pleasing, high quality PSU that is covered by a five year manufacturer’s warranty. Modders that build both compact and typical systems will love its small proportions and elegant design, as well as its low noise output and great thermal performance. Overclockers probably scratched it off their list already because of the very high ripple but the ST60F-TI does deliver power quality within the ATX design guide’s specifications and should serve most typical users reliably, as long as no overclocking or use of very poor quality components is involved.

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  • Kaboose - Tuesday, August 2, 2016 - link

    I just want to say while it is only slightly better than platinum, Titanium is the only spec that requires 10% load levels to count for the efficiency. There are plenty of platinum units that have no issue at 10% load, but there are a few that go a decent way below 90% efficiency at 10% load. But since that isn't part of the platinum spec it doesn't get touched on often.
  • DanNeely - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - link

    True; but the savings from increased efficiency there are much smaller. Going from 70 to 80 to 90% at 50W changes from 21 to 12 to 6W of losses. The 6W improvement from 80 to 90% is the equivalent of going from 94% to 96% at 300W. There's some value in it (especially in weeding out the worst of the worst); but there're probably bigger gains to be had improving the idle power characteristics of the rest of the system.
  • ipkh - Friday, July 29, 2016 - link

    Why aren't you testing all the compliance percents on titanium units? Theyou should have high efficiency at 10% load as well. Other sites are doing much more detailed reviews of PSUsnew and it's a shame you guys aren't being as thorough. I generally expect more from you guys.
  • DanNeely - Friday, July 29, 2016 - link

    Look at the graph. They do test that low; nut putting all points in a table's unwieldy.
  • Termie - Friday, July 29, 2016 - link

    Interesting review, falls in line with what others have said about Silverstone's Titanium line.

    As an FYI, you used the very same box shot three times in this article, twice in a row on the first page, and again in the conclusion. That was either an error or an editing oversight. And frankly, box shots just aren't a very good way to represent the product you're reviewing. How about a photo of the power supply on the first and last pages instead?
  • Freakie - Friday, July 29, 2016 - link

    The Ripple on this unit is really horrible for such a high efficiency power supply. That alone would instantly disqualify it if I was searching for a new PSU.
  • Synomenon - Friday, July 29, 2016 - link

    Been using this PSU in an ITX gaming PC since April. It's the only ATX PSU I've owned that does not have any coil whine. It's very quiet.
  • philipma1957 - Saturday, July 30, 2016 - link

    I have two of the 700 watt models.
    I mine Eth coin with the builds.

    So I run 24/7/365 at 500 watts. Same build using the cosair ax760 plat pulls 510 watts. So 10 watts is 7.2 kwatts per month or $1.30 per month. (18 cent power) that is $15.60 per year.
    The silverstone is 155 the corsair is 150. But this only works if you are mining 24/7/365

    Also no power switch is simply wrong and warranty is 3 years. vs the corsair 7 year.

    So for most users the corsair ax 760 plat is the better choice
  • tonyou - Monday, August 1, 2016 - link

    SilverStone has already updated their Strider Titanium and Platinum series PSUs to 5 years earlier this year.
  • GeneralTom - Saturday, July 30, 2016 - link

    Which ATX 12V Standard does it support?

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