Highly competitive motherboard manufacturer ASRock revealed its X570 motherboard line-up ahead of the Ryzen 3000 series processors launch. Its 13th iteration of the Taichi design, the ASRock X570 Taichi includes a new RGB inspired design and shifts away from the black and white theme. Included is support for Wi-Fi 6, and interestingly supports DDR4-4666 for the new Ryzen 3000 series of processors.

The ASRock X570 Taichi redefines the range and marks a change in aesthetics across the entirety of the board. Its favored cogwheel design is still a main element of the design but it now includes black heatsink armor around the PCIe slot area. The X570 chipset is actively cooled by a fan, mainly due to the X570 chipsets tendency to run warmer than previous generations. On the rear panel cover as with the chipset heatsink is ARGB for users looking to make a visual statement with their system. The X570 Taichi uses a 14-phase power delivery and has one 8-pin and one 4-pin 12 V CPU power inputs. On the rear panel is a single Intel I211-AT Gigabit port, and features the new 802.11ax Killer AX1650 Wi-Fi 6 wireless adapter.


On the X570 Taichi is three full-length PCIe 4.0 slots operating at x16, x8/x8, and x8/x8/x4, with two PCIe 4.0 x1 slots. Underneath the heatsink armor is three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots, while the board also supports up to eight SATA devices. For users looking for Thunderbolt connectivity, a Thunderbolt AIC 5-pin connector is present, but support is limited to ASRock's separately supplied AIC card. A total of four memory slots with support for DDR4-4666 are present, with a maximum supported capacity of up to 128 GB. This marks noticeable improvement n terms of the integrated memory controller on the Ryzen 3000 processors; real-world scenarios with speeds this high are still yet to be seen.

Pricing and availability are currently unknown, but it's expected to be jointly launched alongside the Ryzen 3000 series processors.

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  • AshlayW - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    I don't usually like the RGB Bling on PC components but this does look very nice in my eyes. This board is on my short-list if I decide to upgrade to X570. I especially like the glowing gears that are partially concealed by the Chipset heatsink. It is steampunk-esque and I think looks really cool.

    I plan to buy a Ryzen 7 3800X and place it in my current B450M Mortar motherboard but at the same time I would like to expand my storage options and the triple M.2 ports on this motherboard would allow that.
  • Targon - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    You may want to consider the 3800X since the TDP difference indicates that the 3800X may be able to clock much higher than the 3700X. If overclocking is limited by power, while you can theoretically just boost power, the 3700X might give you more problems.
  • AshlayW - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    I said 3800X, hon. I think you misread it? Anyway yes I agree I am choosing the 3800X as I do not manually overclock my processor as the risk of instability causes me great anxiety. That is why I like my 2700X so much now, as I just leave the CPU to decide what the best possible clock speed to run is and it's great. I had the same thinking with the 3800X and the 105W TDP indicating the all-core boost speed is potentially significantly higher than the 3700X, despite the "peak" speed being only 100MHz difference.
  • ozzuneoj86 - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    All that and not a single ISA slot...
  • Targon - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    ISA? How about VESA Local Bus or PCI slots? AGP?
  • Death666Angel - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    Give me 40 pin DIP sockets or bust! :D
  • RogerAndOut - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    I'm waiting on an ST506 port. I'm sure I have a 5.25" 20-megabyte drive around here from my IBM AT days.
  • Lord of the Bored - Friday, May 31, 2019 - link

    Mmmm, VLB. You ain't lived until you've pushed a card into the Very Long Bus. I was always scared the motherboard was gonna break in two.
  • AshlayW - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    I know right, I also am missing the IDE ports too :(
  • John_M - Thursday, May 30, 2019 - link

    How are the PCIe slots fed with lanes? Since there are only 24 lanes available at the AM4 socket and four of those are for the X570 chipset, four for the M.2 slot and 16 for the discrete GPU slot, how is this arranged? Wouldn't it be better for the x1 sockets to be fed with PCIe version 2? Sound cards, SATA controllers and Ethernet cards tend to be PCIe version 2 at best so the precious PCIe version 4 lanes are going to be wasted.

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